Vincent Road Temporary Closure

Dear Residents,

Surrey CC has advised that Vincent Road will be closed for one week sometime in the next 6 months to enable cables to be laid. It seems that Vincent Road residents will still have access to their homes but other traffic will be diverted.




Dear Sirs

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE the above mentioned Temporary Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in the entire length of Vincent Road (D6868), Stoke D’Abernon. The Order is required to enable cabling and power installation works on behalf of KN Network Services. These works are anticipated to be carried out between the hours of 07:00 and 18:00 within one week of the six month period of operation of the Temporary Order, which commences on 30 July 2018. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closure which is anticipated will be required to remain in place for 24 hours each day, will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed. Access will be maintained at all times for pedestrians and, dismounted cyclists and equestrians. Vehicular access will be maintained at all times to residences and businesses on the affected length of Vincent Road only, including access for emergency vehicles to such properties; vehicular traffic will be diverted via Stoke Road, Station Road and Bray Road.

The office notice can be viewed here.

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