Sudden Cardiac Arrest
If someone collapses and cannot be roused, they may have suffered a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). An SCA is an electrical malfunction of the heart causing the heart to stop pumping.
There are many reasons for SCA, not just heart attacks, but in all cases what is needed is a very fast response, because for every minute that passes the chance of survival drops by at least 10%.
Your Local Defibrillator
Stoke D’Abernon has a community public access defibrillator (CPAD) located in a locked yellow cabinet by the railway station.
What To Do
Then phone the number to activate the Village Emergency Telephone System (VETS). Then follow these instructions:
Download the full DRSABCD Chart here to keep a copy yourself.
Compression & Breathing
- If you are unable or unwilling to give rescue breaths just do the compressions continuously
- Give 30 compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute and then give 2 breaths
- FOR AN ADULT: Use 2 Hands & Compress 5-6cm
- FOR A CHILD: Use 1 Hand & Compress 1/3 Chest Depth
- FOR AN INFANT: Use 2 Fingers & Compression 1/3 Chest Depth
- Repeat 30 compressions and 2 breaths sequence.
- Continue until help arrives, you are too tired to continue, or the casualty starts breathing normally again
How To Save A Life
More Information
Visit for more information on the Community Heartbeat Trust charity.
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