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We have seen a number of improvements and changes to our area in recent months and we’ve included these in our newsletter. If you are new to Stoke D’Abernon – welcome! You can find out more about our village on this website.
Station Road
A number of residents have called for a 20mph speed limit in Station Road. Surrey Highways carried out a speed survey in 2022 which showed that the average speed was 26mph, and 85% of vehicles were travelling at 31mph or less. This didn’t fulfil the requirements for a lower limit. However, Cllr David Lewis will raise the issue of the speed of the 408 bus along Station Road and Stoke Road.
(The residents’ association’s Minutes book shows that, in 1946, residents were concerned about parking in Station Road and speeding on Stoke Road!).
New Greek restaurant
Many of you are familiar with the Café Barbera which has become a popular meeting place, serving excellent coffees and pastries.

Have you tried their Zara’s Greek restaurant, serving Greek dishes and tasty wines? As well as eating in, you can take away or order through Deliveroo. Open from 7am for breakfast to 9.30pm for lunch and dinner. Most main courses are £14.50
Annual General Meeting
The AGM of the Residents’ Association will be at 8pm on Tuesday 28th May in the Stoke D’Abernon Village Hall, Station Road. The meetings are brisk, welcoming and informative and finish by 9.15/9.30pm. A chance for residents to meet and find out more about your village. A complimentary glass of wine awaits you on arrival.
Several years ago, the community chipped in to provide a defibrillator which was located outside the Post Office shop. Late last year, the device had reached the end of its life and couldn’t be resuscitated. As there is now a defibrillator across the road on the wall of the railway station, it was decided to remove our device. The defibrillator proved its worth by saving the life of one of our residents.
Challenge Fencing
Challenge Fencing are offering 10% off to Local residents on presentation of the physical Stoke D’Abernon News publication, excluding any other promotions. Offer valid until 31/12/24.

Bray Road on the up and up
Earlier this year, Surrey Highways resurfaced Bray Road, which now looks much improved.
Last autumn, a number of eager residents planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs which provided a welcome splash of colour in early spring. Over the years, the Residents’ Association has planted several trees along Bray Road, on the verges and roundabout and triangle.

On the corner of Tilt Road, the Association installed a new short footpath and planted two crab apple trees. Each summer, Bray Road residents have organised a popular street party. A road with much to be proud of.
New Cricket nets
Stoke D’Abernon Cricket Club, which dates back to the 1870s, has been granted planning permission to extend its cricket nets at the top end of the recreation ground. The longer nets will be safer, and there will be four “lanes” in place of the current two lanes.
The Club organised a successful fundraising for the £75,000 needed, and work will start when the ground dries out. A £12,500 grant was approved by Your Fund Surrey following support from Cllr Lewis. The Club’s website contains a fascinating history of the club, as well as glimpses of life in our village over the last 150 years. Our village sign, on the corner of Blundel Lane, shows a cricketer as an indication of the importance of cricket to Stoke D’Abernon.
Christmas event at the Old Plough
Once again, the Old Plough kindly hosted the Christmas Lights Event, serving mince pies and mulled wine. Reeds’ School brass band provided festive music and the Shetland ponies were again popular.

Squires kindly supplied the Christmas tree and Santa handed out chocolates. The event raised over £500 for Cherry Trees children’s respite home in Clandon.

Annual Subscriptions
As members of the Stoke D’Abernon community, we invite everyone to be part of our Residents’ Association by contributing a modest annual fee of £5. We use our income to provide two newsletters, two general meetings, a website, plant trees and have insurance. From time to time we contribute to other nearby resident groups, for example to help protect our Green Belt.
You can give your £5 to your road representative in cash (preferably not a cheque) or by bank transfer to;
- Stoke D’Abernon Residents’ Association
- Sort code: 09-06-66. Account : 41936443
Please state your reference as surname, house name or number, road. eg: Pochettino 64 Stoke
St Mary’s Church
St Mary’s is Surrey’s oldest church with Surrey’s liveliest vicar. Since Rev Phe arrived as Rector over a year ago, the church has seen a number of new faces attending the services. Now that summer is on its way, the church is open to visitors on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Well worth a visit.
If you like the idea of joining a choir, you might consider joining either the church choir, or trying the Oxshott Choral Society which rehearses in St Mary’s impressive church hall every Wednesday evening and performs in concerts at Leatherhead and Dorking. See websites.
Rural footpath
A much-loved public footpath runs from Aspen Close alongside Knowle Hill Park (at the rear of Lodge Close). This is a pleasant rural walk to the brick pit pond and Oxshott Heath.
A few years ago, our committee member Sue (“Mrs Footpath”) Prentice worked with Cobham Heritage and Surrey council to have the footpath resurfaced and this provided a big improvement. Sue is working to obtain funding to resurface the path at the top of the hill, near Polyapes scout camp, where a short section of the path has become muddy and slippery when wet.
Stoke Road improvements
The road surface was renewed between the Chelsea FC training ground and Squires garden centre. After requests from several residents, Surrey Highways took the opportunity to clear away and widen the overgrown pavement which will make it easier and a bit safer to walk along that stretch. Hopefully the new 30mph speed limit will improve safety.
Inspired by Surrey Highway’s burst of activity, a small group of well-intentioned residents decided to clear up the pavement by the bus stop next to the Old Plough. Basking under the name of The Three Brushketeers this group was met with glowing appreciation by a passer-by who grudgingly muttered “Well done” before adding “Now can I get past?”.

Elections, elections
There will be elections for Elmbridge Borough Council on Thursday 2nd May. Be careful to go to the right polling station, normally either Stoke D’Abernon Village Hall or Oxshott Village Centre. You will also need to take photo ID with you.
When the general election comes, we will no longer be in Esher & Walton constituency but will be part of Runnymede & Weybridge. This follows changes proposed by the Boundary Commission to even up the number of voters in every constituency.
Oxshott Woods
The woods at Oxshott Heath are popular with dog walkers and the area contains several sites of special scientific interest. The Heath is managed by Elmbridge council who value the dialogue with users and residents. Recently a large area has been thinned in order to reduce shade and allow more sunlight. The residual “brash” looks scruffy but is good for generating insect and other wildlife.
If you would like to help support the Heath, please consider contributing to The Friends of Oxshott Heath, either by a donation or by helping. The contact person is Corinne Sterry, a local resident, and she can be reached by sending a message through the contact facility on this website.
Blundel Lane postbox …. and ditches
An imaginative and talented resident has adorned the red post box near Irene Road with an attractive knitted top. One has also appeared at Browns Corner opposite Oxshott woods.

Nearby, the intrepid Warwick Hutchinson has succeeded in engaging the attention of Surrey Highways and Surrey Flood & Climate team in resolving the problems caused after heavy rain by a blockage in the drainage ditches. Hopefully the problem has now been solved. However, further work is urgently required to repair broken drainage pipes near Randolph Close. Pressure is being maintained on Surrey council to get this done.
Chatterbus is a local community bus service which goes from strength to strength. It operates two buses which serve Stoke D’Abernon, Oxshott, Cobham, Downside and Brooklands M&S/Tesco. It is popular with commuters going to and from the railway station, with schoolchildren and with shoppers. It is a real lifeline to those who don’t have access to a car.
Surrey council have recently provided two smart new all-electric buses. A timetable is available at the station or on the website…… Most fares are £2 and bus passes are accepted.

A few are available to rent. Contact through our residents’ website.
Stoke D’Abernon Memorial Park/Playground
A couple of years ago, the popular playground opposite the Old Plough was discovered to be a listed war memorial. New trees were planted and there is one tree allocated to each of the 11 local service personnel who gave their lives for their country during world war 2.
Recently, collars have been attached to the trees with a QR code giving information about each of the 11 service people. This was organised and paid for jointly by Cobham Heritage and your residents’ association.

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