Traffic Calming Scheme on Stoke Road

We have received the following notice from Surrey Highways. Note: there is a link to a PDF document download with visuals at the bottom of this article.

Dear Resident,

Stoke Road – proposed speed management and pedestrian crossing improvements

Surrey County Council’s Highways Service has been working with County Councillor Mary Lewis and local residents to develop proposals for additional speed management improvements in Stoke Road. The proposed speed management measures are planned to complement the deployment of the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) and the activities of the Community Speed Watch (CSW) Teams, all of which are aimed at encouraging drivers to comply with the 30 mph speed limit along Stoke Road.

Two new pedestrian refuge islands are also proposed to assist pedestrians crossing the road.

This letter and the enclosed plan are intended to make sure all residents that are likely to be affected are aware of the proposals, and have an opportunity to comment before the detailed design is finalised.


The local community in Stoke Road started to raise concerns about traffic speeds in 2009. At the time the speed limit was 40mph. The local community’s desire from the outset has been to reduce traffic speeds in Stoke Road, and thereby improve road safety. In September 2014 Surrey County Council’s Local Committee for Elmbridge agreed to reduce the speed limit in Stoke Road from 40mph to 30mph. It was hoped at the time that this would result in reduced
traffic speeds.

Following the reduction in speed limit from 40mph to 30mph, speed surveys were undertaken in 2017 to understand how drivers had responded. Surveys undertaken in March / April 2017 suggested that there had been no significant reduction in traffic speeds, and that traffic speeds
may actually have increased following the change of speed limit.

In June 2017 flashing 30mph VAS were installed to encourage drivers to abide by the lower speed limit, and traffic speeds were surveyed again in September 2017. Unfortunately, this survey also showed that traffic speeds were still too high for the new 30mph limit. Therefore in December 2017 the Local Committee decided to design a more robust scheme of speed management measures to encourage drivers to respect the new 30mph speed limit.
Feasibility work was undertaken during 2018, and funding was obtained from Elmbridge Borough Council’s Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in 2019 to construct the scheme.

Early in 2019, new larger VAS were installed (again CIL funded) to complement further the activities of the regular CSW Teams. In parallel with this ongoing activity, Surrey County Council started developing the design for a scheme of speed management measures based on horizontal deflections (chicanes). Vertical deflections (road humps) while very effective, were not favoured by local residents due to concerns about noise and vibration.

The proposed new speed management measures are the result of collaboration between residents, Local Councillors, Elmbridge Borough Council, Surrey County Council and Surrey Police. The measures themselves are shown on the enclosed plan.

Two new pedestrian refuge islands have also been proposed as part of the scheme, for the benefit of local residents crossing the road, including people crossing to and from the bus stops, children en route to the station or meeting the school bus, and commuters en route to the station.

It is hoped that the proposed measures will make Stoke Road a safer place for all road users and will also provide local residents with additional pedestrian islands facilitating safer crossing of Stoke Road. It is hoped that the scheme would provide safer and easier access onto Stoke Road from private property and side roads that adjoin the road.


Funding to implement this scheme was secured from Elmbridge Borough Council’s strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) fund. This is a planning charge collected in Elmbridge to help fund and deliver infrastructure to support the development across the Borough.

Your views

It is important that the views of the residents form part of the process of developing a scheme that is supported by the local community. Therefore if you have any comments to make about the new speed management proposals or new pedestrian refuge islands I would be grateful if you could let us know by contacting us at the address above, or by e-mail, or call us on 0300 200 1003. Please could you let us have any comments by Monday 24th February 2020, to enable us to report them to the Local Committee at its meeting on Tuesday 17th March 2020.

Next steps

On Tuesday 17th March 2020 the Local Committee will be asked whether or not the scheme should go ahead, either as it stands or in a modified form, on the basis of technical advice from Officers and any comments received. The Local Committee meets in public in the Council Chamber in the Elmbridge Civic Centre. The meeting is due to start at 4pm, and any residents would be welcome to attend.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Yours faithfully,
Nick Healey
North East Area Highways Manager
Surrey Highways

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