A glass of wine was offer to those attending on arrival and then the meeting was opened at 8.00 pm. by Ian Nelson (Chairman).
Ian Nelson welcomed the speakers Richard Mulhall and Sarah Squire and County Councillor Mary Lewis, Mayor Jan Fuller and Councillor James Vickers.
Apologies were received from the newly appointed PCSO Laura Deyoung
Election of Officers: Ian Nelson, Dave Phillips and Glenys Layzell all agreed to stand again. They were proposed by Brenda Way and seconded by Mike Pommery.
Election of Committee: The committee members all agreed to stand again they were proposed by Rosemary Vickers and seconded by Peter Vickers.
Accounts: Approval of the accounts for the year to 30th September 2015 Summary:
- General reserves: £817
- Christmas Lights fund: £1,388
- Defibrillator fund: £572
- Total bank & cash: £2,777
- Loss in year: (£277)
Ian Nelson (Chairman) thanked Dave Phillips for his work during the year and the accounts were approved by Brian Hopley and seconded by Mark Money.
Michael May has agreed to audit the accounts and his appointment was proposed by Becky Moorman and seconded by Jenny Vickers.
Sarah Squire, Deputy chairman, Squired Garden Centres:
Sarah Squires gave a very interesting talk on the history and founding of Squire’s 79 years ago. There are now 15 garden centres run by Squires and next year they will be celebrating 80 years incorporation. The first permanent centre was opened in Twickenham in 1964 but prior to that the business had been operating over the years with the help of land girls and Italian and German POW’s from Kempton Park.
Richard Mulhall – Chatterbus
The Chatterbus has proved a great success and Richard Mulhall showed an excellent video about it. The video takes the view along the bus route with comments from very enthusiastic and satisfied users. Michael Dodd (Tomorrows World), a Cobham resident commentated on the video.
Villager of the Year:
This year the honour and bottle of wine went to Dave Phillips for all his work in setting up the defibrillator and organising the volunteers
Questions to the Councillors and Committee:
Mayor Jan Fuller was asked about the planning situation in Knowle Hill Park. The site was sold to Hillgate Homes with the intention of building 21 apartments and a few small prestigious houses. There have been amendments to the original plans and now the buildings will be of brick and there is a prohibition on building stables, a pavillion or sheds on the land.
There is to be boundary changes and it is intended that the councillors will be reduced from 60 to 48. The new boundaries will be decided in December. -2- Mayor Jan Fuller stated that she is enjoying the position of mayor and although she has to be impartial she will endeavour to keep herself and the residents up to date. County Councillor Mary Lewis was questioned about the road works which it is hoped will be completed as soon as possible. There is a concern that the current workings will be opposite the Christmas Tree at the beginning of December which will hamper the Christmas Tree Lighting up event. It was the intention to close the Stoke Road bridge whilst the pipe work was being done but now the plan is to lay the pipes across the field alongside. It is hoped that there will be one lane open on the road whilst this operation takes place. Mary Lewis thank the Residents for keeping her involved and up to date.
Any other business:
It is proposed to plant a crab apple tree on the corner of Bray road/Tilt Road in memory of Ann Major. The Residents’ Association has been offered a large batch of daffodil bulbs by Ian Gateman which should enhance the area in the spring along with the many others planted over the last few years. Ian Nelson said he would be very grateful to any help offered for the planting. Due to the workings on the Stoke Road the speed limit of 30 mph will be in place for longer so that they can ascertain it’s significance which of course can’t be done at the moment.
A question was asked if anything was being done next year to celebrate the queens long time on the throne. So far there are no plans in place but suggestions and volunteers will be encouraged. There is a Patient-Practice Group meeting on 11th November at 7.15 pm. in the new main hall of the Sacred Heart in Cobham. Dominic Raab MP, now a Government minister, has agreed to address the Half Yearly meeting on 26th May.
Ian Nelson will be unable to conduct the proceeding for the Christmas Tree Lighting Up as he has a prior engagement but his place will be ably filled by Sue Prentice.
Christmas Tree Lighting Up will be 5.30 on Saturday 5th December. Ian Nelson thanked everyone for attending the meeting (approx 46).
Full details at http://www.stokedabernon-residents.org.uk/DOCUMENTS/DOCS_RA/MINUTES/2015-AGM.pdf.
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