Dear Residents,
The public footpath that borders the Knowle Hill Park fields and runs parallel with Lodge Close (up to the stile by Polyapes Scout camp) is being resurfaced and will be closed for approximately 2 weeks from 30th July 2018.
The work is being jointly funded by Elmbridge Council and Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust (CCHT)and was one of three successful applications that CCHT made for footpath improvement works using CIL (Communities Infrastructure Levy) funding.
Update: Additional information can be found in the attached letter: Footpath Surfacing Letter To Residents
The work will clear the overgrown bushes and resurface the path with a material in keeping with the rural nature of the path resulting in this popular route being usable and easily walkable throughout the year.
CCHT have worked closely with both Elmbridge and Surrey County Council in this and it is Surrey CC who have commissioned the work as they are responsible for the ongoing maintenance.
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