Annual General Meeting 25th October 2018

To download full meeting minutes please click here: Stoke AGM minutes Oct 2018.



Annual General Meeting 25th October 2018

The meeting opened at 8 pm at the Village Hall. All present were offered a glass of wine or soft drink.

Ian Nelson (Chairman) welcomed County Councillor Mary Lewis, Councillor David Lewis and Councillor James Browne and all present. Apologies for absence were received from Christine Kent, Rev Godfrey Hilliard and others.

The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer agreed to stand again. Ian Nelson asked if anyone wanted to put their names forward to fill the posts. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will stay in post for another year.

Association Accounts

Income and Expenditure Account Sheet was issued to those present. Michael May FCA had again audited the accounts. There was a query about the Defibrillator fund – the answer is that we need funds in this account for maintenance and batteries etc. for the defibrillator. There were no other queries regarding the accounts:

  • General Services £986 (2017: £950)
  • Xmas lights fund £947 (2017: £839)
  • Defibrillator fund £511 (2017: £210)
  • Total bank & cash £2.444 (2016: £1999)
  • Surplus in year £638 (2017: £419)

Ian Nelson thanked Michael May for his help and was pleased that Michael May had agreed to act as the Independent Examiner for another year.

Dr Claire Morrice

Dr Claire Morrice introduced herself with a short talk on her background.
Dr Morrice has opened a new dental practice is Stoke d’Abernon. She intends to offer late evening appointments and one Saturday per month. Dr Morrice informed us that she had been in dental practice for some years around the Cobham area.

Sue Prentice spoke about the improvements to the Knowle Park footpath with the style having been replaced with the ‘kissing gate’ to make it easier access for wheelchair and disabled users. The second stile will be replaced with a ‘kissing gate’ for the same reasons.

Neighbourhood Watch

Diana Thalben-Ball will be standing down soon and handing the reins over to Patrick Molloy the new co-ordinator. There is a new Elmbridge Borough Inspector Dallas McDermott. The police will no longer be able to deal with stolen or lost mobiles, cash, wallets and bank cards.
Ian Nelson presented Diana Thalben-Ball with a present of a variety of jams for her work with the Neighbourhood Watch and also as our ‘villager of the year’.

Village sign

The council has now started its procedure to approve the siting of the village sign and it is hoped this will be completed by March next year.

There are some tree stumps that need to be removed and it is planned to plant more trees in our area.

County Councillor Mary Lewis informed us of the progress on the pot holed roads. The area by the bridge in Blundel Lane is almost completed except for a small area yet to be tarmaced the delay due to a burst water pipe. The repair planned for the area Stoke Road/Fairmile Lane was delayed by rain but this is scheduled to be started soon.

Councillor James Browne – Local Plan and Green Belt Issues

Councillor James Brown representing Cobham and Downside and holder of the Planning Portfolio.
Councillor James Brown gave a very informative illustrated talk on the progress of the possible future planning and siting of homes in Elmbridge. The need for more houses is inevitable it is just where, how many and what size is the problem. The government has increased the number of homes the borough has to build. The planning department is investigating all the available ‘brown field’ sites but more land will have to be found to complete our quota. Councillor James Brown’s
informative literature may be found on our website.

Ian Nelson asked if anyone would be interested in taking over or helping with the Newsletter.
John Dare after many years has decided it pass on the job. Anyone interested should contact Ian Nelson.

The meeting closed and Ian Nelson thanked everyone for attending.

There is an Elmbridge Council open meeting entitled Your Voice Matters on 8th November at 7.00 pm in Oxshott and another on 26th November in Cobham. More details on the website.

Dates for the Diary

  • 22nd November Committee meeting Elmbridge Room 8.00pm
  • 1st December Christmas Lights Event


To download full meeting minutes please click here: Stoke AGM minutes Oct 2018.

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